Annotated Bibliography On Refugees

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Dear Economic and Social Council,

The prevailing global concerns with refugee and refugee camps are alarmingly misled and underrated. According to a global report on refugee, published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR 2015), There is a difference between a refugee and an internally displaced person (IDP) as an IDPs have been forced to flee their homes for the same reason as a refugee, but has not crossed an international border and has no protection from the international law or qualified to receive types of aids. The total number of refugees located in Europe has increased over the years from 10.4 million in 2011 to a 55% rise in 2015. This increase was directed initiated mainly by the conflict in the Syrian Arab …show more content…

Other countries in Europe taking large numbers of refugees included Italy (118,000), Germany (316,100) and France (273,100) etc. (UNHCR 2015). This has also led to overcrowding in refugee camps in some recipient countries with poor conditions and to a level of human trafficking. Refugee camps are alleged to be a temporary living settlements to the refugees fleeing wars and persecution depend on social group, religion, race or political views. Refugee camps are a idea depend on short-term solutions for refugees yet is growing obsolete because the situations become more permanent. A refugee spend average of 12 years living in a camp as these camps face their own significant problems. Over the past 10 years the number of refugees worldwide has tripled to over 60 million people who are refugees, said the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Refugee camps are constantly exposed to inadequate funding and support from the international community, overcrowding, lack of food, lack of clean water and poor sanitation. Without adequate access to life resources refugees risk to chronic malnutrition and illness or disease increase. Although the UNHCR recommends a daily minimum of 20 liters per person per day and many

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