Anne Frank's Life On The Concentration Camps

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Anne frank's life on the concentration camps was a struggle and very harsh. Anne frank was a teenage girl , a victim caught up in hitler and his beliefs. “Anne was born on june 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany” (Herman 1). Anne and her family lived in germany for almost all of anne's life. During annes lifetime she has went to 2 schools one before jews and non jews were separated and one schools for jews because hitler didnt like jews so this was on the many things hitler did along with jews wearing a star on their clothes to show they are jews. Anne was a very fun and happy and hyper little kid. She always wanted to play outside instead of do her homework, Anne really enjoyed playing outside she was very much a huge outside person.According …show more content…

During annes life i don't think she thought in a million years that she would be stuck in a camp and kicked out of regular school and would have to go into hiding at such a young age. ¨When anne and her sister margot passed away in of the bergen-belsen concentration camp¨(herman)’annes dad otto frank was given anne's diary by a person who was in the concentration camp with anne and her sister and otto published it¨(davidson). And now since otto's office where anne and her family were staying and hiding the building still stands (its called the annex) they now call it the anne frank house(annex). The anne frank is important because it is proof where they hid and how they hid just sort of how they maintained everything and stayed alive it also shows there struggles of living there for example the tiny spaces or even the big spaces. “Anne and her family shared the annex with all together there were 7 people¨(james 1-2). Having to share would've been a struggle “they hid for 2 years until they were caught and all sent to concentration camps¨(james).Annes life was not a normal kids life but she made it through all she could.Anne frank is very

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