Anne Frank Research Paper

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Anne Frank was born June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, and is the most talked about Jewish victim of the Holocaust. She was a 14 year old girl who gained fame from writing her diary, which was later published and called The Diary of a Young Girl. Anne, her family, the Van Daan's and Mr. Dussel went into hiding in the secret Annex building. Anne kept a diary while she was in hiding and recorded her everyday life. Unfortunately, she was taken to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and then later to Auschwitz concentration camp. There she died from typhus, which is an infectious disease caused by fleas, lice, or mites. In this essay, these questions will be answered: Who was Anne Frank? Why did she write, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart?" What does this quote reveal about Anne Frank and her views about life? In the following paragraphs, Anne Frank's positive attitude will reveal why she believed everyone was good at heart.

"We're so selfish that we talk about 'after the war' and look forward to new clothes and shoes, when we should be saving …show more content…

It reveals that Anne is an affectionate person, and she believed everyone had good in them and aiding others was important. For example, "We're so selfish that we talk about 'after the war' and look forward to new clothes and shoes, when we should be saving every penny to help others when the war is over...," shows her helpful way of life. It means she would rather help others outside that are suffering than be living safely in hiding. She stayed optimistic while she was living with the fear that she could be discovered and taken away to her death. After news of the invasion, everybody had high spirits that they were going to be saved. She stated, "...whoever is happy will make others happy too," in her

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