Anna Howard Shaw Women's Suffrage

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Around 1851 a new fashion trend for women emerged that became a tantamount with the women’s right movement, but it didn’t stick around too long. It was discontinued due to people only taking notice of the trend and not the reasoning behind the trend. Anna Howard Shaw, a leader of the women's suffrage movement, would have a lot to say about this issue. Shaw makes many claims that make it clear that man needs to examine tragedies that have occurred and that the fault is solely theirs. Shaw would indicate that the trend diminishing was because of men. That being the case, I disagree with Shaw and encourage the idea of us all being human and the blame of these occurrences are no single gender or races fault but of historical, religious, and biological elements that force those ideas. Historical elements play a major part in the stigma between men and women. Philip N. Cohen, an American sociologist who wrote the book “The Family”, states “the ideal of man as the economic provider became a powerful symbol in American culture” (43 Cohen). Men are considered the breadwinners and head of the household. Indeed, man symbolized the hero or the protector of the home. More importantly, Shaw agrees that men are the protectors. Shaw states that …show more content…

Between the lioness and the lion, a lioness is responsible for having the cubs and nurturing them and the same goes for the gorillas. The gorillas physically carry their child keeping them close and protected. Additionally, Shaw in here argument makes a claim that proves a mother has the child. Meaning, a mother has a duty to care for the child and that’s what her job is. Both human and animal mothers have nursing duties. They possess milk for their newborns, thus proving that a mother doesn’t need to work because she has a duty to her family. A woman gives life back to the world, what else is could be more

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