Animal Testing Benefits

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Over the years, many diseases have been cured because of animals. For example, in 1993 a scientist created a vaccine for Hemophilus Influenzae type B, which was a cause of brain damage and even death. In the U.S. and U.K. alone, the vaccine dropped the infection rate by about 70 percent in 2 months. Many more vaccines and cures have been created and tested on animals that have saved millions of human and animal lives. Because of animal experimentation many lives, human and animal alike, have been saved from deadly diseases. Experimentation on animals has, at least, been going on since 500 BC. Many diseases have been cured because of animal testing, such as polios, smallpox, tetanus, rabies, tuberculosis, and many more. It is essential for developing …show more content…

Animal testing has been an essential part in developing medicine and vaccines to fight deadly diseases. For example, the Foundation for Biomedical Research, which is a non-profit, educational organization, has said “Eighty percent of the children with acute lymphocytic leukemia now have a fighting chance at life, thanks to CML, an effective, newly developed drug” ( Because of this research, many children lives have been saved and have been able to go home to their families. Thanks to animal testing we have been able to develop drugs to fight leukemia. Children are able to go home after fighting and winning against a cancer that affects the white blood cells. In addition to fighting leukemia, animal testing has also been able to help us fight against epilepsy. “Some 2.5 million Americans with epilepsy have effective medication to control seizures” ( Millions of Americans …show more content…

According to the website “Polio has been eradicated from North America and people in countries all over the world are being successfully treated. Each year over 30,000 American children are protected from this crippling disease through vaccinations.” It incredible that we have finally been able to mostly destroy Polio and it is all thanks to the research on animals that got us to these point. Before, thousands of women, men, and children were being paralyzed but now we can stop that with the Polio vaccination. Not only have we been able to eradicate Polio but have also found ways to transplant organs to people in need of a new organ. “Imminent death is no longer a certainty for the 13,418 organ recipients who received kidney transplants last year, the 4,597 who received liver transplant or the 2,231 who received heart transplant” ( Before the animal research that was done people couldn’t have any organ transplant and be certain that they would live; there was always that chance that their body would reject the new organ because it wasn’t similar enough. Many would have died without these transplant. Transplants wasn’t the only surgery that has been achieved with animal experimentation, coronary bypass is another. “Over 553,000 men and women have coronary bypass surgery

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