Animal Farm Vs Anthem Essay

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While both Animal Farm by George Orwell and Anthem by Ayn Rand both have concepts that could become our life, I believe that the views in Animal Farm are closer in reach. Anthem describes a world government that very well could happen, but Animal Farm depicts a world that already has, and is happening. Each author had strong, and weaker points of argument, but one is a more realistic novel.
Anthem shows a world where an individual does not exist, only a strong central government that controls all beliefs. While some may believe that this is already how we live, we truly do not know this. Each day we wake up when we want, we go to work, or school where we want to. In this world we are very fortunate that we do have these decisions, and that we have control over our own lives. We are able to have children with whom we want, and watch them grow up, and stay in contact with them their whole lives. The people in the book did not have this chance, they had children with someone who was chosen for them, someone with whom you were likely to produce the best stock, and then the child was taken away never to know the comfort of …show more content…

Each has its glorifying moments, but one came out stronger. Each element of the story supports that this is something that has happened, and the author may have even experienced this himself. In Anthem we know that the author is expressing a very strong feeling of dislike for that kind of world. While Animal Farm tells it better, there is much accreditation for Anthem. Perhaps more people would even be against the idea because they read the book. We will not know until we come to that crossing. While Animal Farm does not come up with a direct solution to this problem, it does show ways we can avert it. One way is to not let others influence you into changing your beliefs, and always stand up for what you believe

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