Animal Farm: The Negative Influence Of Rap Music

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“Evil influence is like a nicotine patch, you cannot help but absorb what sticks to you.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri Just as the “Beasts of England” took all of the animals in “Animal Farm” by storm, so does music in our current time period. Some may wonder just what does a book have to do with how well music is influencing today’s young boys and girls. This goes deeper than just any passing trend, rather, the song in the book was seen as a negative influence in the farmers’ point of view. The farmers in the book translate to adults in real life, witnessing their kids succumb to these hidden messages, and eventually become corrupted in their thoughts. Rap music has a reputation to be frowned upon, yet many still willingly play these songs due to popularity of the artist and …show more content…

Most teens nowadays tend to look up to those who “rebel” against the “chains of society;” such as authority figures, the law, or even education itself. It may not seem like much, but these pessimistic terms and phrases can end up indulging deep into each teen’s psyche, causing them to surmise that all of these messages are meant to be followed and accept them into their lifestyles. Without the proper people to guide these teens, such as our parents and teachers, most can end up absorbing these influences instead of those that assist us later on in our lives. Most rap artists tend to believe that if they have a rhythm and lyrics, it’s okay to share it with others. However, in some cases, this doesn’t mean they’ll make sure the language being used will be suitable for all audiences to be hearing in the first place. The tongue of choice in most songs of this genre tends to be vulgar and unbefitting, especially for younger ages. In fact, the use of “adult terms” at a young age can possibly etch into the mind before the said child is in school. Sparking up this effect at an

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