Animal Farm Propaganda Quotes

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“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history,” wrote George Orwell. This is a quote the author of Animal Farm wrote. This quote relates to the book for two reasons. One being is Napoleon brainwashing all the animals into thinking he is best and only the best, and there is no one above him. This relates because Napoleon is brainwashing the animals into thinking differently so all there other history is being forgotten. The other reason being George wrote the book and this quote. In this book propaganda is being shown in three main ways. In this book an example of propaganda is fear. An example of how it is used is the animals are fighting Jones and are not part of Manor Farm anymore. The animals now have new leader Napoleon the pig, who ran off Snowball the other pig and leader. The animals are told if they don't work there hardest Jones will come back and take over. The least thing the animals want is for Jones to come back but in reality Jones treats them better than the way they are being treated now. Napoleon has brainwashed the animals, into thinking if they don't do the work than Jones will come back. Also the more …show more content…

The song that Old Major teaches the animals before passing was called The Beast of England. The Beast of England teaches the animals that they shall over take man and become there own leaders one day. The animals would sing this song repeatedly until Napoleon took over as head pig.The New song Napoleon made all the animals sing is called Napoleons Poem. This poem is about how Napoleon is alway right, how he is the best leader, he is nice to all, and more. The animals must sing Napoleons Poem at the meetings. Over time the seven commandments change as well. First the second commandment was four legs good, and two legs bad. Over time it will change a few different times, becoming four legs good, two legs

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