Animal Farm Boxer Quotes

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The animals in the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, admire the horse’s, Boxer, extreme work ethic and they follow his lead. However, Boxer is not very smart and is completely oblivious to Napoleon’s wrong-doing which is one of the main reasons for his continuous leader position on the farm. Boxer’s solution to everything is to work harder, and then everything will magically turn out right.
Argument #1
Something that really stuck out to me in the book was to witness how hardworking, dedicated, and loyal Boxer was. He’s caring and looks out for the other animals on the farm, for example, when the animals were hungry, he made sure they had food. The farm cannot go without Boxer’s strength, I would even go as far and say that Boxer is the anchor of the farm. Boxer has several mottos that helps define his personality, one of them is: “I will work harder.”
Argument #2 …show more content…

He worries about the farm, but he’s not smart enough to figure things out on his own. He’s very naive and ignorant and even says in one of his slogans: “Napoleon is always right.” He is not a very intelligent animal, which can be seen when he can’t learn any letters in the alphabet past the letter D, shows his rather child-like behavior and how he’s depending on an all-knowing leader.

Boxer has worked hard his whole life, but one day, he collapses while rebuilding the windmill. His first thoughts were: “It is my lung… It doesn’t matter. I think you will be able to finish the windmill without me.” He’s hoping now that he’s too old to work, he can retire. The reader already knows that Napoleon has no intention of providing food for an old, infirm horse. Again, this shows just how naive Boxer is. Later on, he becomes aware of Napoleon’s ways, but it’s too late, and he is already on his way to be slaughtered and is too weak to fight back.

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