Andy Warhol Research Paper

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Andy Warhol, one of the most prolific and well known modern artists of his time, may owe his ideas to something other than his human nature, but rather a disorder, one known as OCD. Through a wide assortment of what would later become his very own established style of “pop art,” Andy Warhol spurred a market for his ideas, in life and death. Although known for his illustrations of popular brands, icons, and commercial life, Warhol was also well known, as many artists are, for his personal life in contrast to his personality in his creations. Many have and still will speculate whether or not his art reflects his mental struggle with himself and the world around him, but deciding on what lines Warhol falls along is tough. While many characteristics of numerous disorders seem to be present in Warhol's , nature, they can be slowly narrowed down to one dominant condition, known as OCD. …show more content…

All types of ages and people can develop OCD, and it can play a crucial role in your daily life, with it's side effect of both positive and negative outcomes. Obsessive compulsive disorder falls into the category of anxiety disorders, and is characterized by persistent routines and obsessions which often results in compulsive rituals done on a daily basis. Some common factors of having OCD is the need to arrange things, compulsive acts of hand washing, and having an established routine. Most may think that this disorder only applies to individuals obsessed with cleanliness and organization, but some forget this disease can take many forms, one of which, being the lack of order and perfection at all. A clear lack of organization can also be seen in some cases of

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