Andre Masson Essay

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Psychoanalytic Thought and Surrealism Proposal Breton describes, the work of Masson as “a monologue spoken as rapidly as possible, without any intervention on the part of the critical faculties, amonologue consequently unencumbered by the slightest inhibition and which was, as closely as possible, akin to spoken thought” . Breton, is referring to, is the exploration of the notion of the unconscious mind in an art making practice and, therefore, in what way, does it apply to exploring the concepts of the surrealists. However, Breton discusses Masson work, as exploring significant aspect of this idea of the psychoanalytic theory and the notions of the unconscious mind in human societies. André Breton, discuses the unconscious mind and how imperative it is, to the understanding of the surrealist manifesto. Consequently, exploring the philosophies of surrealism through psychoanalytic theory of the unconscious mind and how this communicates to surrealism, that was produced in the Caribbean in the early 20th century. …show more content…

Thus, what is the result of this intersection of psychoanalytic thought and how does it interrelate to the surrealist art practice through the work of Andre Masson? Correspondingly, examining this question; I will be looking at the artist André Masson and how the psychological thought and the surrealist writer Andre Breton of the time influenced Masson early work. Thus, though this intersection of the surrealism and psychological thought; how do the artists relieve the unconscious mind through their stylistic approaches? Hence, exploring the junction of the unconscious mind and in what way, this related to the Surrealist artwork of Masson and the illustrations Masson produced from his travels through the Caribbean with Andre

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