And Then There Were None Essay

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And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie and the movie, Murder on the Orient Express, Show that it is wrong to take justice into your own hands. And Then There Were None is actually a perfect example that shows that “Now look here, my dear girl, you just listen--” And then he sprang. Quick as a panther--as any other feline creature… Automatically Vera pressed the trigger... “ (264). This quote is perfect because it takes place when Vera shoots Lombard thinking that he is the murderer, so she took justice into her own hands by shooting who she thought he was, I thought that she should've not have killed him because they trusted each other, so seeing Vera shooting Lombard is really a shocking part of the novel, and I don’t think it was really necessary for her to shoot …show more content…

Another quote that follows the last one is, “We are good civilized people and then evil got over the wall, and we looked to the law for justice, and the law let us down.” (1:10:23). Poirot is telling that it is against the law to take justice into your own hands and unfortunately the woman that said the second quote was trying to explain that the law let them down by saying the evil got over the wall. Poirot later then explains that by murdering someone makes them savages, as Poirot described, the woman getting beat by a rock in the middle of the streets, and these kinds of people deserve to be punished and go through severe consequences. But the group of 12 still try to defend the subject by saying that she was only 5 years old and that Ratchet still deserves to be dead. They should have told Poirot first so that by the end when they get out of the train they could've had reported to Poirot and Poirot could of have told police like this the professionals could have had killed or given the consequences that Ratchet

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