Ancient Greek Social Structure Essay

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This paragraph will concern the social structure of ancient Greece society. In ancient Greece society, only native-born men were granted citizenship and entitled to full protection of the law in a city-state ( Greece). In the majority of city-states, social prominence did not include special rights. In some situations, families controlled public functions, but this did not exactly grant extra power for the government. In the state of Athens, the population was divided into four social classes which was based on wealth. A persons amount of income was able to determine of they were eligible to change classes. In Sparta, male citizens received the title of equal if they completed their education requirements. With this being …show more content…

Many subjects were taught to young boys which included grammatistes, kitharistes, and paedotribae ( Greece). Older youths studied other subjects including the sciences. Since its beginnings in the Homeric and aristocratic customs, Greek education was immeasurably "democratized" during the firth century BCE. Plato, Isocrates, and the Sophists were an influence. During the Hellenistic period, gymnasium education was viewed as essential for participation and involvement in Greek culture. Education was an essential part of an individual in ancient Greece. The kind of education an individual received was ultimately based on social class. In ancient Greece, formal education was not granted to slaves ( in ancient Greece). For example, In some poleis, laws were created and passed to prohibit the possibility of education for slaves. I will now conclude this paragraph by giving a brief summary concerning economics of ancient Greece society. During the fifth and fourth centuries BCE, ancient Greece was the most prestigious economy in the world. It is said to have also been one of the most prestigious pre-industrial economies ( Greece) . The patterns of the Archaic period in Greece proceeded into the Classical period, around 500-400 BC, with both exchange and battling enormous benefactors to the

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