Ancient Egyptian Religion

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One of the most influential factors of architecture is religion. This paper will specifically explore the architectural achievements of the ancient Egyptian culture that stemmed from their rituals and belief system. Religion was without a doubt the strongest aspect in the life of an ancient Egyptian. The monuments that still stand today had some religious relation mainly because the religious or funerary buildings were built in the best location, the largest scale, and built with the most durable materials. Many buildings were adorned with images, carvings or statues of numerous gods worshipped by ancient Egyptians. The universal gods of the cosmic elements were Re (Sun), Nut (Sky), and Geb (Earth). Local deities included Sobek (the crocodile) …show more content…

The pyramids of Giza are the tombs of the Pharaohs of the fourth dynasty: Khufu (Cheops), Chephren (Khafra), and Mycerinus (Menkara). They were built on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River and were connected by causeways that led to temples (Warren, 1919). The oldest pyramid of these is the largest and referred to as the Great Pyramid, the tomb of King Khufu, and one of the seven wonders of the world. Originally, it was four hundred eighty-four feet high and seven hundred sixty-eight feet on each side. Since being built, it has lost its outer covering and has been ruined at the top (Warren, 1919). Khafra’s pyramid at Giza was the middle pyramid. In front of the pyramid, the Great Sphinx was built — a sculpture carved out of limestone in the shape of a reclining lion with the head of a king, wearing a head cloth, uraeus (upright form of an Egyptian serpent), and beard. Originally, the Sphinx was painted and surrounded by a courtyard. The religious intent of this sculpture was to represent the pharaoh in the form of the first sun and creator god. The third and smallest pyramid of Giza was built by Menkara. Its height was less than half of Khufu’s pyramid. The lower layers were constructed of red granite while the upper layers were made of

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