Ancient Egypt Jewelry Essay

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The first evidence of jewelry making in Ancient Egypt dates back to the 4th millennia BC. The ancient Egyptians placed great importance on the religious significance of certain blessed objects, which was deeply echoed in their jewelry motifs. Gem carvings known as "glyptic art" typically took the form of scarab beetles and other anthropomorphic religious symbols. The history of jewels and gems dates back in long years ago with many different uses among different cultures. Gems and jewels are a widespread form of embellishment. The jewels made from shells, stones and bones survive from prehistoric times. It is likely that from early periods it was worn as a safety from the dangers of life or as a mark of status. The first jewelry was made from …show more content…

Some of them are India, Persia, and Europe etc. Afghanistan formerly known as Nuristan, or the "Land of Light," has stood at the junction of ancient Indian, Persian, European, and Asian civilizations for thousands of years. The detached and intimidating land of the Pashtun people lies along the silk and gem line trade route. The gems are naturally discovered in Hindu Kush Mountain regions, Chitral and Nuristan regions. A wide range of precious gemstones are found in Afghanistan, such as aquamarine, emerald, garnet, kunzite, lapis lazuli, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, turquoise, and …show more content…

Research Article Author: Engineer Aneel Ahmad A gemstone is a stone which is beautiful, rare and durable. Gemstones are always soothing to the eyes and have always been appealing to the eyes around the world. They are attractive due to their beauty, rarity and royalty. The gemstones are mostly used in designing jewelry and are also valued for decoration purposes. Pakistan is blessed with treasures of range of gemstones by Allah Almighty, this makes Pakistan a home or variety of minerals. We are blessed with some bulging gemstones which are Emerald, Aquamarines, peridotite, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz and many more and these gemstones are famous all over the world due to their colors, crystalline effect and weight. They make Pakistan a Bliss of Gemstones for the local habitants of Pakistan and also for the people who are gem lovers all over the world.The northern and northwestern areas of Pakistan are blessed with these gemstones into the mountains in which we find nearly all minerals. Gemstones originate from: • Water surface • Gem pegmatite • Igneous hydrothermal activity • Gemstones formed at greater depths •

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