Analyzing The Movie 'Top Gun'

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“I feel the need, the need for speed” This quote is one of the most famous from the movie “Top Gun” featuring A list stars Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Meg Ryan, and Val Kilmer. “Top Gun” is a movie about a fighter pilot in the Navy with the “handle” of Maverick played by Cruise. He is said to be one of the best “instinctive” pilots who is sent to an advanced flight school where he meets his rival “Iceman” played by Kilmer. Maverick meets a civilian instructors that he falls in love with named “Charlie” played by McGillis. The soundtrack for this move is amazingly epic with many songs still being played frequently to this day. Famous film critic Roger Ebert had this to say about the soundtrack. “In one sequence after another, the sound track …show more content…

“Top Gun” starts by showing an aircraft carrier. You can see people prepping the flight deck by fueling engines, giving signals and preparing fighter jets for takeoff. The song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins starts out slow, builds the suspense, and just explodes with excitement as jet engines rev up and take off into the sky. The crew that had been preparing for the moment on the flight deck are seen standing in awe and proud of the accomplishments that were made. This exciting scene set the mood that changes as “Maverick” who is a very confident pilot and man looks for …show more content…

The suspense was built up leading to this song. “Maverick” was actually upset by “Charlie” over words that he had mistaken the context too and decided to drive off on his motorcycle in a rage. She didn’t want everyone to know that she had fallen for him and chased after him to tell him that. It concluded with a very steamy lovemaking scene where this perfectly fitting song played that really brought the viewers into the romantic emotional aspect of this movie. Then after the climatic dogfight where “Maverick and “Charlie” parted ways for a little while, they rekindled their romance and led us into the final

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