Analyzing The Film 'Master Of Sex'

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Summarize the movie, film, or TV series so that someone who is not familiar with the program will have a general understanding of the story line (2 points). The television series ‘Masters of Sex’ is based on Thomas Maier's biography Masters of Sex. Set in the 1950s through the late 1960s, the series tells the story of the real-life pioneers of human sexuality Dr. Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson whose research explored and brought about a sexual revolution. After many years of secretly documenting how the human body response during sex, and coming up with remarkably effective treatments for their patients (which included prostitutes, couples and even gay men n women), Masters and Johnson were suddenly famous with the publication of their first …show more content…

Which characters are involved? Provide specific examples (2.5 points). The specific topics that are portrayed amongst several are sexual behaviors, sexual attitude, biological and physical aspects of sexuality, human reproductive functions, and most especially the human sexual response cycle. The characters involved are Bill Masters, Virginia Johnson, Dr. Austin Langham, Betty Dimello (a lesbian who sleeps with men for money, and was part of the first study program, who later became bill’s receptionist), and hundreds of other participants in the study group. Even though Betty identifies as a lesbian, and during the study had sex with only females, she also had sex with men in brothels when she was a prostitute. When she found a man who wanted to marry her, Betty Dimello asked Bill to reverse her tubal ligation. During Betty's surgery, Bill discovers a complication and discontinue the operation. Afterwards, he informs Betty that she has too much scarring caused by salpingitis (an infection and inflammation in the fallopian tubes which she probably contacted while she was having sex with men for money) and will be unable to get pregnant even if he unties her …show more content…

In the show, Women still depended on men as a resource provider, an anchor and among other things, financial security. E.g. after Betty’s failed reverse tubular ligation surgery and she found out she will never have children, Dr. Masters advised her to inform her soon to be husband but she refused. She said her soon to be husband will not marry her if he found her she can’t conceive therefore, “a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do” meaning, she has to pretend like she knows nothing if she has to get out of the prostitution cycle she is in. Another instance was how Dr. Masters occasionally tried to undermine the contributions of Virginia Johnson. This didn’t go well because when Virginia decided to prove she was equally smart (despite not having a medical degree) she quit working with him for a while and it affected Bill’s work. He realized that she was not only a brain behind the study, but also the one who was more relatable to the participants. The outcome is that most of the participant were comfortable and less creeped out when Virginia’s presence was there. This made the research study a success, and allowed it to progress that

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