Analyzing Michaela Cullington's Essay 'Texting'

697 Words2 Pages

Roxy Wilson
Professor McLawhorn

Text messaging or texting, as it’s commonly called—is the process of sending or receiving messages via a cellular device. It is a common means of communication among teenagers and even becoming popular in the business world because it allows quick messages to be sent without people having to talk through a telephone conversation. A person is able to say what is needed, in addition the other person will receive the information and respond when it's convenient for them. “Does Texting affect writing”, This Essay was written By Michaela Cullington the main purpose in her essay is if texting really influences students writing skills. Cullington proposed that there are three points of view to …show more content…

Although her study supports the hypothesis that texting plus writing have no relationship to one another, Cullington recognizes the importance of new technology and society’s evolving methods of communication. She writes, “The use of text messaging as a common means of communication is becoming increasingly popular; therefore, this issue should continue to be examined.” Cullington may not have anticipated the ways in which texting itself has changed. One of the differences between now and two years ago are the abbreviations plus the use of acronyms. However, what has made the device so distinctive is that texting has actually gotten “smarter.” People with smartphones have the assistance of spellcheck, reference “apps,” autocorrect, autocompletion and, voice-control capability. Also know as Siri the response voice of the iPhone’s voice-control system. In the past, text messages were ultimately just instant, electronic versions of a brief …show more content…

I personally think that texting does indeed have tremendous effect on formal writing, Texting has its costs and benefits. So while we texting we could use the spellcheck feature to correct our spelling mistakes as guide or a teacher to help us spelling it correctly next time. On the other hand, we might have become dependent on such Features. Auto-correct doesn’t pick up all of the errors for example sometimes when you write a sentence with the word to, the device may not recognize that you are using the wrong word. Autocorrect recognizes a misspelled word as well as replacing it with what is likely to be the correct word. In many ways, autocorrect and autocompletion are very useful in their efficiency; however, it is reasonable to assume that they have the opposite effect of learning. Instead of giving someone the help they need to correct his or her mistakes, autocorrection notifications are so brief that the person is barely aware of a mistake before it is erased from existence

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