Analyzing Liliana Heker's 'The Stolen Party'

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Jatin Patel Ms. Handy Dual-Credit English P.5 2/16/17 You think that people think of you as an equal. You think that your not different. Then one action changes everything. In “The Stolen Party” by Liliana Heker, Rosaura’s mother is the maid for a wealthy family. Rosaura was friends with the wealthy families daughter, Luciana, and came over to their house. Both of them became good friends and did homework and played games with each other. Soon Rosaura was invited to Luciana's birthday party and chose to go. Unfortunately she found out, that social class can become a problem and that people sometimes judge others based on their background instead of who they are. The main conflict in this story is that Rosaura is trying to find her place in the world, however she is trapped by the fact that she is poor compared to all of her rich friends. Her first conflict is with her mother. Rosaura wanted to go to Luciana’s party but, her mother thought that she wouldn't be accepted as Luciana's “friend”. Another conflict she had was with the girl with the bow who kept on bullying Rosaura because she didn't know who she was. After the girl left Rosaura, she began to have more fun at the party. She helped out Senora Ines and felt good. However when …show more content…

Rosaura believed that she was gonna get a present similar to the other girls and boys at the party, however Senora Ines reached into her purse and handed money to Rosaura and stated, “you really truly earned this, thank you for

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