Analysis of film Shakespeare in Love

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Analysis of film Shakespeare in Love

The film 'Shakespeare in Love' shows that even in the 21st century Elizabethan drama impacts its audience as it did in the 1500's. The film captured England and the important influence of Elizabeth I during the Renaissance period. Even though Queen Elizabeth didn't have a major role in the film, her characteristics were displayed through the main heroine, Lady Viola. Lady Viola and Elizabeth were both courageous, well-educated women of the upper class. Even though they were privileged in class, they were poor in love and acquired broken hearts for the good of the community. Elizabeth's personality was brought to life through Viola, illustrating the hardships aristocratic women endured trying to succeed in a man's world.

?The Renaissance brought with it a new way of thinking. It was thought men and women could do anything and be anything they wanted to be, that their education, and subjected to the classics, mathematics, and all other academic subjects of the day?(Women). Elizabeth received an elaborate education and ?it was thought essential that noble women were educated to a high standard.?(Woman). Elizabeth and Viola used their knowledge to be witty and quick in speech, especially when speaking with men. In ?Shakespeare in Love? Elizabeth makes a point to humiliate Lord Wessex when he takes Viola to the palace to ask for the Queen?s consent of their marriage. The Queen asks Viola what she loves and Viola responds, ?I love the theatre and I love poetry above all.?(Shakespeare). The Queen quickly replies ?Above Lord Essex?? then she addresses Lord Wessex ?when you can not find your wife, look for her in the playhouse.?(Shakespeare) Elizabeth knows that she is a w...

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...eth was like. They both went beyond their womanly boundaries to prove that woman can do things as well as men, even though their courage cost them their hearts. Viola?s role shows the struggle of Elizabeth and other women in a society dominated by men.

Works Cited:

?Elizabeth I.? The Longman Anthology of British Literature Second Edition. Ed. Damrosch, David. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 2003. 1080.

?On Monsieur?s Deptarture.? The Longman Anthology of British Literature Second Edition. Ed. Damrosch, David. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 2003.1081.

Shakespeare in Love. Dir. John Madden. Perf. Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth, Ben Affleck, Judi Dench. Miramax, 1998.

Thomas, Heather. ?Women in Elizabethan England? History of Women. 15 Nov. 2002

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