Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Scene 5 Essay

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Analysis of Act One Scene Five of Romeo and Juliet

Act 1, scene 5 (the party scene) is one of the most important scenes in the play of Romeo and Juliet. In this essay, I am going to analyse this specific scene and show its importance to the overall plot. I will then go on to compare two different versions of the play and. Finally, I will write about how I, myself would direct the play on stage.

Act 1, scene 5 is so interesting and enjoyable due to it being so lively and bright. With it being so jolly, due to the number of things happening at once, it helps to keep the readers attention.

This scene is so important as it shows the first time that Romeo and Juliet meet and then instantly falling …show more content…

He will be dressed as King Arthur to show that he believes that he himself is very important. When he reaches the far side of the stage, the stage lights will be turned on to reveal a brightly decorated disco, party scene. Capulet will then greet the party comers as they walk on to the stage from the back. Their looks should show their pleasure at how much effort had been put into the party.

I would miss out the part of the play where Capulet And Cousin Capulet talks, as I believe that it wouldn’t really fit in with my updated version and with it not being an important part of the play, it would add unnecessary length.

After the guests enter the stage, I will show how much action is happening at once with spotlights shining onto different parts of the stage. Some people will be dancing whereas others will be eating at a table, drinking or talking to each other.

After a minute or so when the dancers have been dancing for a while, the attention switches to Romeo. He is a latecomer to the party although the audience immediately notices him due to a spotlight following him to the front of the …show more content…

The servant who will be holding a tray of drinks will briefly answer “no, sir” and then walk off around the stage.

The spotlights will remain shining on Romeo and Juliet as Romeo walks slowly along the stage staring at Juliet and reciting her beauty.

After he has finished, Romeo should join in with the dancing as he is obviously too scared to approach Juliet. The spotlight shall remain shining on Romeo but not on Juliet.

Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin will then walk onto the stage from the left hand side. He will then move to the front of the stage and mingle with a group of people standing. There will be a spotlight shining down on him to emphasise that he is watching Romeo. The look on his face should show anger but the audience should also be able to see through the anger to distinguish his caring side and that he is trying to look out for Juliet. As Tybalt will be dressed as a soldier, it shows that although he is a fighter, he also tries his utmost to try and keep things right.

After that, Tybalt should walk to his uncle Capulet who will be sitting down with a group of people at the right hand side of

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