Analysis of Act 2 Scene 2 of Macbeth

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Analysis of Act 2 Scene 2 of Macbeth

Act 2, scene 2, in the play of Macbeth, is a fairly significant scene,

in which to mark the changes of the two characters, Macbeth and Lady

Macbeth. Their minds and feelings are portrayed in this scene. It

helps to show the role, which they play and to what degree they have

been affected by the witches’ prophecies.

Act 2, Scene 2, takes place in the home of Macbeth as a result to the

murder of Duncan. It is interesting that Shakespeare chose to have the

murder of Duncan taking place offstage. This scene is also significant

in ways to show the reactions of the two characters to their crime and

sin. The murder of Duncan possibly took place off stage to cause the

dramatic impact to increase within the audience and let them imagine

it as grotesquely as they wanted to. At the time, it would have seemed

highly erratic, unacceptable and dishonourable to show the murder of a

King and the audience would have been horrified at seeing such a thing

taking place.

Using hindsight, we see that as the play progresses and more murders

take place, they begin to be revealed more on stage as the number of

murders increase. The murder of Duncan takes place completely

off-stage, the murder of Banquo takes place on stage but in complete

darkness, whereas the murder of Lady Macduff and her children takes

place under the light of the stage for the audience to see. This

gradual increase in visualisation of the murders can also help to show

the change in Macbeth, the increase in ruthlessness of his character,

his remorseless and unmerciful actions.

Act 2 Scene 2 shows more dramatic tension than murder of Duncan. T...

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...he scene, “Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would

thou couldst!”

Macbeth shows from this line that he regrets what he has done.

As well as speaking much of hands, they also both speak of sleep.

Using hindsight we see that both have trouble sleeping in the future.

Sleeping helps to put right worries and to cleanse the body. Macbeth

and Lady Macbeth would never be totally clean and found sleep did not

help. Macbeth heard a voice saying his name, that he would sleep no

more after doing such a deed. It may Macbeth’s own conscience that

causes him to hear this. It could be that Macbeth’s mind has begun the

step from good to evil and so his mind plays with his conscience or

possibly it is the effect of the supernatural. Lady Macbeth believes

he is being naïve like a child as it is just a picture or sound in his


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