Analysis: The Russian Sleep Experiment

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The Russian Sleep Experiment The Russian Sleep Experiment is an urban legend told about a group of scientists that use prisoners to test the effects of not sleeping on the human body. The legend of the Russian Sleep Experiment suggests that a group of political prisoners who had been labeled as enemies of the state were tested on to know the limitations of the human body. The scientists observed the men with only microphones at all times while the five men stayed awake for fifteen days. The men were placed in a chamber with a gas that was created to remove the need for sleep (C. (2014, October 28). The five men went silent after eight days of monitoring and then one of the men started screaming until he tore his vocal chords and the others followed soon. On the fifteenth day the scientists opened the chamber and on the inside there was blood, intestines, and water an inch deep on the floor. The next day the test subjects were taken to the medical area of the containment center. The …show more content…

The story says that on Halloween a bus, going to an insane asylum, crashed and the inmates escaped. All of the inmates were caught except for Douglas Griffen. Another version of the story says that the asylum was undergoing a relocation and Marcus Lawster and Douglas Griffen escaped. Both stories include Douglas Griffen leaving a trail of dead animals and blood leading to the “Bunny Man Bridge” the version with Marcus Lawster includes Douglas Griffen killing Marcus and hanging the dead body from the bridge. The police named Marcus Lawster the bunny man at first but later when more half eaten rabbits were found the police gave Douglas Griffen the name of the bunny man. The legend states that if a person goes under Bunny Man’s Bridge on Halloween at midnight the person will see a light going down the railroad then the person will be hung upside down from the side of the bridge (The Bunny Man

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