Analysis: Prayers For The Stolen

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Is it possible to live a sheltered, misguided life and still turn out to be okay? Many women here in the United States take for granted their freedoms they have to live their lives as they want and be who they want to be. Growing up in the United States, we spend our entire childhood playing, growing, and discovering who we want to be. Could you imagine growing up where it was not okay to be anything but a male? This type of life style can alter the self-image of young girls, especially if they live in Mexico. Prayers for the Stolen written by Jennifer Clement describes the dangerous conditions in Mexico that have led women to raise their children in fear, not living a childhood that every child deserves to live, which has drastically altered their ideal image of life.
A self-concept one may have of themselves is shaped by the environment which they live in. Ladydi grew up being told that she needs to be made ugly so no one will want her. This has caused her to form a negative self-concept, that in order to be safe, she has to be an ugly girl while living on the mountain with her mother. She grew up in her early years identifying as a boy. Even though this was for her safety, it still takes a toll on one’s self-image. Ladydi describes her image as “I have brown skin, brown eyes, and …show more content…

Their sheltered, misguided lives have lead them to live their lives in fear of being stolen and know that they have no men to protect them. Living their early years as a male can mentally create a gender identity crisis. Also, living without men around can cause these girls to crave the attention from men as soon as they see one. It may not be the right kind of attention but it makes them happy for the time being. The twisted environment that these children live in have caused them to live in a prison like community, in disguise and be on edge to flee for safety at any moment. This is not the life any child should have to

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