Analysis Of Walter White Antihero

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Walter White, The Antihero The antihero is the leading character in a film or book that lacks traditional heroic qualities such as courage, nobility and moral goodness. This character is becoming more and more popular in todays culture and is showing up in many more shows and movies. One show that was very successful and popular was Breaking Bad, a show about a science professor who was very mild mannered, who transforms into a meth cook who will do anything to stay on top. Almost everything he does in the show is morally wrong and usually illegal, but in a twisted way Walter is doing some good from this. The character of Walter White is a popular antihero who walks the fine line between antihero and being a villain, and shows us how society …show more content…

But what makes a meth cook the antihero is the fact that he is doing it to help pay for his cancer treatment. This fact throughout the first half of Breaking Bad is what helps people see Walter as a good guy just trying to meet ends. An article by Mark A. Lewis explores the money concerns cancer patients have and relates it directly to Breaking Bad. In one episode of Breaking Bad Walt states “These doctors … talking about surviving. 1 year, 2 years, like it’s the only thing that matters. But what good is it, to just survive if I am too sick to work, to enjoy a meal, to make love?” (episode 1.5). Walter is showing how you live your life is much more important then how long your life is. In many ways this leads to the decisions that Walter makes throughout every season. He begins by feeling a lot of regret for his decisions but “ Walt becomes increasingly comfortable with his decisions. After the guilt-ridden strangulation in the first season, the body count continues to climb”(Lewis). Another thing that happens to Walt, and with a lot of other cancer patients is thinking that his life has less value because it is going to be over soon Jesse also realizes this and states “that Walt should be more willing to risk himself” (Lewis). This makes the audience feel sympathy towards Walt because many people have seen what death can do to people, or the thought of death so all of Walt’s actions are understandable. For this reason Walt’s cancer helps him remain an antihero and not the

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