Analysis Of The Giger And Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model

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Transcultural assessment on Chinese culture during pregnancy and birth Culture can be defined in many different ways and varies drastically among populations. Nurses must understand an individual’s culture to be based on a collection of beliefs, values, practices, rituals, language, social habits, diet and any aspects that influence a person’s way of life. Culture is learned through community, family, environment, or lifestyle. The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model (2002) analyzes the many aspects of culture that nurses must be aware of in order to provide quality care. There are six factors that the model points out in particular: communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control, and biological variations …show more content…

An adequate cultural assessment will provide a steady foundation for the nurse and other healthcare workers to perform quality care. In assessing a patient’s culture, nurses must have the utmost empathy and open-mindedness. The transcultural model of Giger and Davidhizar provides a framework for assessing culture in the healthcare setting.

Analysis of the Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model
The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment model addresses the idea that people are complex and should not be treated the same in the healthcare setting. When caring for patients of any race, gender, ethnicity, or religion, special measure should be taken in order to communicate effectively and show respect toward individual cultures (Giger and Davidhizar, 2002). Communication can make or break the quality of care patients receive. According to Giger and Davidhizar, “communication often presents the most significant problem in working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds” (Giger and Davidhizar, 2002, p. 185). Communication can act as a barrier between patients and healthcare providers if there is not a mutual understanding of each other’s communication …show more content…

In the healthcare setting, it is critical for healthcare providers to navigate patients’ space and territoriality in order to provide quality care. Violation of space can be unintentional, but harmful to patients. Territoriality is defined as an individual’s feelings and attitudes toward their own personal area (Giger and Davidhizar, 2002). Another way to think of this is personal space. People in general may feel violated or disrespected if others enter their personal space.
Social Organization Social organization deals with the way individuals associate themselves with family. “Family structure and organization, religious values and beliefs, and role assignments may all relate to ethnicity and culture” (Giger and Davidhizar, 2002, p. 185). Nurses must use knowledge and judgement to work with patients and families in a healthy manner. For example, in some cultures it is customary for arranged marriages to occur. In our society, this is uncommon and shocking to some people.
The idea of time varies amongst individuals and cultures. Time can play a huge role in how people perceive their lives and health. For example, when thinking of preventative health, we are thinking about the health in the future. In other words, our actions toward health today, will either benefit or hurt us in the future. There is no “right” way to look at the idea of

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