Analysis Of The Film Stoning Of Soraya M

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The movie Stoning of Soraya M. tells a horrifying story of injustice. It is based on the true story of a woman whose abusive husband, Ali, wants a divorce so that he can marry a fourteen year old girl. Soraya is the mother of his four children and knows that without their father’s support her children would starve to death. She refuses to give Ali a divorce. Ali finds another way out of the marriage. He accuses Soraya of being an unfaithful wife and committing adultery with the local mechanic. By law adultery is a crime punishable by stoning to death. Ali blackmails the town’s mullah and threatens the mechanic to be on his side. He gets what he wants and Soraya is brutally executed for a crime that she did not commit. The story provokes a strong negative reaction of horror, disgust and anger with the injustice of the circumstances and the cruelty of the punishment.
The justice system shown in this movie is disturbingly biased. Men have all the power. Even a young boy has more power than his mother. I was disgusted by how Soraya’s husband Ali turned sons against their own mother and how young boys spoke down to her. Nothing that Soraya said mattered. She had valuable points to make, but no one cared. No one would listen to her and there was nobody to speak for her. Her aunt tried to stand up for her, but nobody would listen to the aunt either. Only the men could speak and only the men could judge. I was angry and outraged by how badly the men treated the women, even women who they were very close to, women who had raised them or taken care of them. A justice system that is so biased towards one group at the expense of another cannot really be just.
Religious law is taken to a fanatical extreme in this movie. T...

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... for individuals to use violence in the name of the law. This opens the door to people becoming vigilantes.
Soraya’s story is a warning, not an example. In her world, the extreme bias of the justice system against women is based in a fanatical interpretation of religion that gives men all the power. The most powerful men within the system are corrupt. The most corrupt men are even more powerful. Corruption and the bias against women built into the system lead to the brutal and cruel murder of an innocent woman. The stoning scene is very graphic for a reason. It shows us the harsh reality of what a public, violent death looks like. Even if she was guilty – even if she was guilty of the worst crime imaginable – she still would not deserve to die so horribly. The fact that Soraya is an innocent victim of a twisted justice system makes it even harder to watch.

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