Sister Helen Prejean Death Penalty Summary

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Sister Helen Prejean was born on April 21, 1939 in Louisiana and author of “Executions Are Too Costly Morally”. She is a member of Order of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Medaille at the age 18 and supports the Abolishment of Death Penalty. She became internationally famous with her book Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States, the book was based on her own experiences of counseling and advising prisoners on death row in Louisiana prisons. She is also the founder of Survive, which is a victim’s advocacy group in New Orleans.
Sister Helen Prejean purposes of writing this text is to create awareness about the cruel and moral of death penalty and the reality of the humanness of executing a human being in the form of Capital Punishment. The audiences of this text are from college students to older age group. Because of the text used mature language and requires a deep understanding of human rights and death penalty in order to view her point of views. She wants to expresses her thought about the morality of killing a human that were allowed by our society and government. She makes the audience think about death row inmate as a person and give you the truth about what is actually taking place within our society today. She allows us go deeper into her thought to see why and how she views the death penalty as immoral and she tries to helping the poor that struggle in the justice in our …show more content…

She tries to debate her subject and brings a sense to help her credibility as an authority by saying Jesus is not support death punishment. As times has indeed changed, “The “wicked” might be “coerced by the sword” to “protect the innocent,”…even punishment by death” states by

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