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To be of African decent and living in America is a struggle as we have faced countless years of slavery, oppression, and discrimination due to the morals of what this country was built on. Ta-Nehisi Coates goes on to explain that one of the most underappreciated, controlled, and manipulated things in this country is the black body. In the blink of an eye, the existence of the black body can become vanished and those who possess this black body must understand that this is the way it is in America.
In this book, Ta-Nehisi Coates details in a letter to his fifteen-year-old son the meaning of possessing a black body in America. In the form of an autobiography, Coates shares views of disappointment and anger over how the black
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body has been treated and continues to be treated which originate from his upbringing, education at one of the most prestigious Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the country, and his life experiences. Coates’s letter was inspired after witnessing his son’s disappointment and heartache after the “justice” system’s failure to indict the police officers involved in the modern-day lynching of Michael Brown. Coates’s son, then only a preteen, learned the harsh reality of how priceless a black man’s life is in this country. Coates could not console his son, he could only let him feel the grief so that his son could understand that this is America, this is the black body, and that he must find a way to live within the all of it. In addition, Coates’s views of America came long before the writing of this book. Coates was the son of a Black Panther, he grew up in the rough neighborhoods of Baltimore, and he experienced the unjust slaughter of a college friend by the name of Prince Jones in the hands of a police officer who went without consequences. All of this played a role in Coates’s views. Prince Jones who was the son of a doctor, raised in a privileged household, went to college, and did all things “right” could not even escape the realities of possessing the black body. During many years, Coates learned that through elements like systematic racism to the violence in our inner-city neighborhoods, the black body will constantly be at risk of harm or elimination. ANALYSIS Overall, I find this book to be very captivating. Similar to Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s book, I feel the passion of the author. By Coates telling his story through a letter, we get a feel his experiences and thoughts as we read. Racism plays a major role in this book.
Race is the son of racism, as race was derived from the act of bigotry and racism. Race has no biological make-up and there are no genes that are race specific. Race is primarily based off of phenotype. Race is a social construct, created to define and justify racism. Coates details series of events over hundreds of years which proves race to be created to support racism. Dating years back to slavery, white Europeans brought Africans over to a land which they had already stolen and in their greed for wealth, they forced those Africans into enslavement. Race was determined as a way to establish superiority over another group. Unfortunately, this mindset of different races has stuck and become the norm for countless years. Coates explains the theory of race being socially constructed by telling about the murder of his dear college friend Prince Jones, who was unjustly killed by a police officer. This police officer happened to be black, yet Coates still considers the murder of Prince Jones to be an act of racism. Coates does not specifically blame the murder on the police officer who pulled the trigger, but on the racism that this country has established against black people. America is built on systematic racism, it was set up to work against black people through criminalizing us, incarcerating us in mass numbers, and murdering us. The country’s government, justice, and social systems were not designed with black people’s best interest in mind. It was built upon not even considering us to be human beings and this, Coates
understands. Furthermore, the black body is a major part in this book. The black body is something that every African American has. The black body is so beautiful, elegant, diverse, and powerful, yet it is so vulnerable. It is one of the most disrespected, hated, manipulated, and controlled things by this country. The progression of this country was built by the hands and on the backs of the black body, yet those of us who possess the black body have nothing to show for it today. Through the racist ways of America to the violence all over the inner cities, the black body can be here and then gone in an instant. The black body is always in constant threat of so easily becoming no more, this is what it is like to be black in America. Coates writes to his son that whether we accept it, we must understand that this is the fact of the matter and that we must live the best we can, while we still can. To describe how easily one could lose the black body, Coates recounts a day back in his childhood when his black body was almost taken away. Standing on the corner, in his Baltimore inner city neighborhood, Coates stared at the barrel of a gun pointed directly at him. One of the neighborhood trouble makers pulled a gun out on Coates for no apparent reason at all. Had that guy decided to pull that trigger, Coates’s black body could have so easily perished forever. We see this in our country all too often. In addition to the destruction of our black bodies that we face from America itself, we also face losing our black bodies to violence in our own neighborhoods. These are the neighborhoods that was created by the government through racist housing segregation as they forced black people into the ghettos. The history of beatdowns to the black body ultimately is a product of America’s racism. It is unfortunate, but the reality of the black body is one that cannot be escaped.
In the article, “A Letter My Son,” Ta-Nehisi Coates utilizes both ethical and pathetic appeal to address his audience in a personable manner. The purpose of this article is to enlighten the audience, and in particular his son, on what it looks like, feels like, and means to be encompassed in his black body through a series of personal anecdotes and self-reflection on what it means to be black. In comparison, Coates goes a step further and analyzes how a black body moves and is perceived in a world that is centered on whiteness. This is established in the first half of the text when the author states that,“white America’s progress, or rather the progress of those Americans who believe that they are white, was built on looting and violence,”
Coates wrote a 176 page long letter to his 14 years old son to explain what the African American society were going through at the time being. In the book, Coates used himself as an example to demonstrate the unjust treatment that had been cast upon him and many other African Americans. Readers can sense a feeling of pessimism towards African American’s future throughout the entire book although he did not pointed it out directly.
For as long as I can remember, racial injustice has been the topic of discussion amongst the American nation. A nation commercializing itself as being free and having equality for all, however, one questions how this is true when every other day on the news we hear about the injustices and discriminations of one race over another. Eula Biss published an essay called “White Debt” which unveils her thoughts on discrimination and what she believes white Americans owe, the debt they owe, to a dark past that essentially provided what is out there today. Ta-Nehisi Coates published “Between the World and Me,” offering his perspective about “the Dream” that Americans want, the fear that he faced being black growing up and that black bodies are what
The transition of being a black man in a time just after slavery was a hard one. A black man had to prove himself at the same time had to come to terms with the fact that he would never amount to much in a white dominated country. Some young black men did actually make it but it was a long and bitter road. Most young men fell into the same trappings as the narrator’s brother. Times were hard and most young boys growing up in Harlem were swept off their feet by the onslaught of change. For American blacks in the middle of the twentieth century, racism is another of the dark forces of destruction and meaninglessness which must be endured. Beauty, joy, triumph, security, suffering, and sorrow are all creations of community, especially of family and family-like groups. They are temporary havens from the world''s trouble, and they are also the meanings of human life.
The two concepts are perhaps the most powerful writing of the sheer burden of African-American in our society. Ever though the story was written many decades ago, many African-American today reflect on how things haven’t changed much over time. Still today American will conceptualize what is “Black” and what is “American”.
The work, the Souls of Black Folk explains the problem of color-line in the twentieth century. Examining the time following the civil war the author, W.E.B. Dubois, explains the African American experience of living behind the “veil”. To fully explain the experience of living behind the veil, he provides the reader with situations that a black race experiences in reconstruction. This allowed the readers to metaphorically step into the veil with him. He accomplishes this with the use of “songs of sorrow” with were at the beginning of each chapter, and with the use of anecdotes.
For instance, he mentioned where African has played meaningful roles in notable historic American events. However, all of these documents has been purposely hidden in favor of the Caucasian roles in history. Three conclusions have been established regarding the study of the Negro’s past. First, his primary conclusion was that the Negro has been the pioneer, and an active collaborator in his own independence and personal growth. Second, meanwhile, the Negro has been viewed as “exceptional” by many, those who possess such influence and knowledge have been unreasonable separated from the group. Third, “ the remote racial origins of the Negro, far from being what the race and the world have been given to understand, offer a record of credible group achievement when scientifically viewed, and more important still, that they are vital general interest because of their bearing upon the beginning and early development of human culture”. (The Negro Digs Up His Past, Arthur
In his book “Between the World and Me”, Ta-Nehisi Coates explores what it means to be a black body living in the white world of the United States. Fashioned as a letter to his son, the book recounts Coates’ own experiences as a black man as well as his observations of the present and past treatment of the black body in the United States. Weaving together history, present, and personal, Coates ruminates about how to live in a black body in the United States. It is the wisdom that Coates finds within his own quest of self-discovery that Coates imparts to his son.
The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B Dubois is a influential work in African American literature and is an American classic. In this book Dubois proposes that "the problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color-line." His concepts of life behind the veil of race and the resulting "double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others," have become touchstones for thinking about race in America. In addition to these lasting concepts, Souls offers an evaluation of the progress of the races and the possibilities for future progress as the nation entered the twentieth century.
It must be noted that for the purpose of avoiding redundancy, the author has chosen to use the terms African-American and black synonymously to reference the culture, which...
“The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife, – this longing to attain self-consciousness, manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be lost. He would not Africanize America, for America has too much to teach the world and Africa. He would not bleach his Negro soul in a flood of white Americanism, for he knows that Negro blood has a message f...
In From Slavery to Freedom (2007), it was said that “the transition from slavery to freedom represents one of the major themes in the history of African Diaspora in the Americas” (para. 1). African American history plays an important role in American history not only because the Civil Rights Movement, but because of the strength and courage of Afro-Americans struggling to live a good life in America. Afro-Americans have been present in this country since the early 1600’s, and have been making history since. We as Americans have studied American history all throughout school, and took one Month out of the year to studied African American history. Of course we learn some things about the important people and events in African American history, but some of the most important things remain untold which will take more than a month to learn about.
The letter Coates writes to his son, he talks about when he was asked about hope in the news show after the host “shared a picture of an eleven-year-old black boy tearfully hugging a white police officer” (Coates 279). After seeing that picture Coates realized why he was sad when the journalist asked him about his body. He had a dream of having the perfect house and a perfect Memorial Day, “[he] wanted to escape into the Dream, to fold [his] country over [his] head like a blanket. But this has never been an option because the Dream rests on [their] backs, the bedding made from [their] bodies” (Coates 279). In other words, due to society in his country, he wasn’t able to enjoy a perfect Memorial Day or have a perfect house because he was African-American. He wasn’t able to enjoy what others enjoyed. This shows that whites can move more freely through society and be able to enjoy things that African-Americans can’t. Likewise, in the film, the saying “Give me liberty or give me death” if a white person says it it’s okay but if a black person says word by word they are treated as criminals. This also shows how African-Americans don’t have freedom of speech as white individuals do. In the American society, whites are allowed to say anything, but if blacks say the exact words they are seen and treated worthless. Society has
The African American population is the second largest racial minority group in the country and is perhaps the most marginalized. Coates at times sounds angry in his book and rightfully so. Africans first arrived as slaves - beaten, battered, killed, raped and worked to death. Nearly four hundred years later, black men, women and children are still routinely beaten, battered and killed in spite of the supposed progress we have made during throughout those four hundred years. Violence is just a symptom of the real problem. Systematic racism is the most significant contributing factor to the poor and impoverished socioeconomic state of black communities in
12 Million Black Voices by Richard Wright is a photo and text book which poetically tells the tale of African Americans from the time they were taken from Africa to the time things started to improve for them in a 149 page reflection. Using interchanging series of texts and photographs, Richard Wright encompasses the voices of 12 Million African-Americans, and tells of their sufferings, their fears, the phases through which they have gone and their hopes. In this book, most of the photos used were from the FSA: Farm Security Administration and a few others not from them. They were selected to complement and show the points of the text. The African-Americans in the photos were depicted with dignity. In their eyes, even though clearly victims, exists strengths and hopes for the future. The photos indicated that they could and did create their own culture both in the past and present. From the same photos plus the texts, it could be gathered that they have done things to improve their lives of their own despite the many odds against them. The photographs showed their lives, their suffering, and their journey for better lives, their happy moments, and the places that were of importance to them. Despite the importance of the photographs they were not as effective as the text in showing the African-American lives and how the things happening in them had affected them, more specifically their complex feelings. 12 Million Black Voices by Richard Wright represents the voice of African-Americans from their point of view of their long journey from Africa to America, and from there through their search for equality, the scars and prints of where they come from, their children born during these struggles, their journeys, their loss, and plight...