Analysis Of The Article: Globalization Progress Or Profiteering?

825 Words2 Pages

Article: Globalization Progress or


By: Lisa Smith

In the simplest of terms, globalization is the means that allow businesses and trades to cross

the domestic boundaries and establish themselves in other countries too and get connected

with different markets across the world. Supporters of the concept of globalization say that it

helps all the nations to catch up with the growth of other markets and their industrialization.

In the present article, the author has aimed at analyzing the concepts of globalization, its

profitability and its overall impact from three different angles; from the point of view of high

class people, from point of view of middle-class people and from the point of view of low

service-class …show more content…

On the other hand the

critics of this concept say that globalization may harms and weakens the sovereignty of the

nation. From the point of view of the elite class, penthouse as it has been referred to in the

article, globalization is very good. It gives them an opportunity to expand in their terms of

businesses and investments. Also, the technological advancements promote their growth. From

the point of view of the middle ground, globalization has both impacts. It can prove to be a

boon as well as a bane. As far as outsourcing may concern, people may gain excessively or may

not earn much. The effects of globalization on this group of people may vary according to the

changing circumstances. From the view of the street i.e. the service class people, globalization

increases the competition between the people. To give an example, the author has discussed

the case of U.S. market. Here, the critics have time and again mentioned the loss of jobs that

occur due to increasing globalization and influence of foreign markets in a country.

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As a future of globalization, it can be said that deviation from the current situation can be very

minimum. The heavy outsourcing from foreign markets especially from U.S. markets have been

continuing since decades and still continue till date. Globalization has also been supported by

the politicians for their personal benefits too. Also, disappearing middle class and increasing

economic disparities are not much of a concern.

As a conclusion, it can be said that the positive impacts of globalization cannot be solely judged

from the benefits that it gives to the higher class people or the CEOs of the companies, in many

cases, the low-wage workers get effected in a negative way mainly because they lack

transferable skills and are not able to keep up with advancement in technologies. Until a better

solution could be thought of, the only possible solution to the problems of low-wage worker is

education, flexibility of skills and jobs and adaptability to the changing industrial atmosphere.

Also, the politicians and the elite workforce and the business leaders while realizing the value

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