Analysis Of The American Dream In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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When people think of the American Dream, they usually picture a wealthy family who lives in a big house with a white picket fence. They see the husband being the breadwinner for the wife and kids, by supporting and providing the best way that he can. They also picture the wife catering to her husband 's every need. The protagonist Janie Crawford lives this American Dream but soon comes to a realization that this life isn’t her destiny. Crawford learns that love does not involve money but rather being joyful. In Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie breaks the American Dream myth by living a non-traditional life through belief, happiness, and freedom.
Janie Crawford strong belief in God has influenced her way of living. In the story, Janie Crawford always “looked” to God for answers in her life. Janie states “ Two things everybody 's got tuh do fuh theyselves. They got tuh go to God, and they got tuh find out about livin’ fuh theyselves” (Hurston 9). By Janie stating this, she proves that she puts her problems in life in God hands and lets him make decisions based on how she should live. Also, Janie doesn’t question God’s work being …show more content…

Starks interpretation on women proper role is that women are valuable objects to look at not to be utilized. The naive Janie falls for Starks words and begins to fall in love with him. Janie ends up leaving Logan Killicks for Joe Starks and starts a whole life in Eatonville as the Mayor 's wife. Janie divorcing Killicks for Starks proves that Janie puts her happiness first in situations simply because she likes the way Starks treats and talks to her. But by Janie marrying twice, this goes against The American Dream myth because the woman is never supposed to leave their husbands. The women are supposed to marry once, and if issues are encountered, they are to be worked out between the husband and

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