Analysis Of Sovereign Plumed Serpent And Heart Of The Sky

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At the beginning of time only the Gods where living, until one day Sovereign Plumed Serpent and Heart of the Sky, named Hurricane, created trees, bushes, and life. Bearer Begetter was the creator or animals big and small, like birds, deers, jaguars, pumas, and serpents. When the Gods created animals they created them for the sole purpose of being worshiped by them. However, when they realized that the animals could not speak they decided they would be sent to live in the woods and fend for themselves. After this Xpiyacoc and Xmucane attempted to make humans, but instead of not being able to speak. They appeared to be too unnatural and decided to call them manikins or wood carvings so, Heart of the Sky creates a flood killing them off. It is believed that monkeys look like humans because they are the manikins who survived the flood by climbing onto trees. The God Seven Macaw believes he is higher and more significant than human work, because of this Hunahpu and Xbalanque kill Seven Macaw and his two sons. Seven Macaw was sitting on a tree and Hunahpu and Xbalanque go towards him and shoot at him however, Seven Macaw fights back and takes Hunahpu’s arms. Hunahpu then goes to his grandmother and grandfather and asks them to go retrieve the arm for him. The grandparents then begin to do things to Seven Macaw to help him from the shooting, leading to his death. Seven Macaws son, Zipacna, died in …show more content…

These four men then created the Quitze tribes, but due to starvation they had to separate and ended up disappearing and leaving the tribes. Before leaving the four men left instructions with their sons. Noble Two, Noble Acute, and Noble Lord went to the East where their fathers were originally from. After this they traveled to many places and created a coupleof Citadels. The Quitze people rose because of canyons and

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