Analysis Of Saboteur By Rupi Kaur

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The body politic stands in the norm of society. Women feel slighted because “it’s a man’s world” and women are just standing in their stead to serve them. This, the historical view of womanhood, stands in stark contrast to what most of the modern ideals about what it is to be a woman are. Looking at the changes found in the gendering, especially in America, one can find the concept of womanhood peeking out of the darkness and slowly coming into the light. As one looks at Rupi Kaur, we know her self confidence was very low for all general tasks in her life. She did not believe that she could do a task or please any one person with results of something she had tried to do. Because of her lack of confidence in herself as an adolescent and …show more content…

This writing expressed such emotion through memories. You read it and you feel as though Kaur is a friend letting you in on a huge story of her like. You feel close to her and you have such a big understanding for what she went through and what kind of person that made her into. Kaur has used her writing to help people who have gone through the same experiences to cope and has also used it to inform people what it is like to go through such a thing. She uses her mother and father, exaggeration (which honestly works), and her strong belief in feminism to convey such a strong message that speaks to so many people. There are many lessons to be learned through Kaur’s writing, or at least I feel that way. I learned that although sadness may seem like it’s controlling your life and although it may seem like it could just go on forever, it will eventually end and the healing process will begin, just as Kaur’s chapters begin and end. I learned that even though you may have gone through some things in the past, they don’t have to define who you are as a person.You are not defined by your past. Kaur makes that very apparent through her writing and her way of living. I learned that by putting yourself and your feelings out there, you can really inspire others and help them at the same time. I learned that what you think of yourself is so much stronger than what any person can ever think of you. The message that you are more beautiful than what your physical traits are is something that was very much learned through reading and analyzing Kaur. These skills and lessons are ones that will hold true and will be needed for a lifetime. As I go through life I will remember these things, like how I should compliment a girl on her intelligence or bravery before I compliment her on her physical traits. I also know that if I ever have an idea or if I ever do something that I

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