Analysis Of Pascal's Wager

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Christianity is not an idea but is essentially a nonintellectual way of life as it is.
(4) Freedom: Given paradise, people preferred freedom. It's our freedom which makes us people as opposed to other natural processes. The existence of evil is the price paid for free choice. Human beings qua human beings could not choose only the good. (A crucial question Dostoevsky suggests is whether people actually seek freedom. Moreover, would God allow freedom of choice in the afterlife?)
(5) Future Harmony: Evil events will produce something better in the future for others (e.g., consider cases where there is a "necessary evil" or cases where the ends justify the means.) For example, my suffering today will produce a better world for my children and others in succeeding generations. The …show more content…

In sum, Pascal's Wager is not intended to be a philosophical proof; the Wager is just intended as a persuasive, pragmatic consideration directed to the agnostic.
d. What major objections can we construct to the Wager? Can the objections be countered?
i. Two main objections are often raised to Pascal's Wager.
(1) To believe in God simply for the payoff is the wrong motive for belief. Such self-seeking individuals would not properly serve the Deity.
(2) In order to be sure of a payoff, an individual would not know which God or gods to believe in to cover the conditions of the wager. Would the Wager also hold for Zeus, Odin,or Mithra? One would have to believe in all gods to be sure, but if there were only one God in fact, then this strategy would defeat itself. ii. Pascal could argue objection (1) isn't about subjective intentions; it's about objective probabilities. iii. Pascal could argue for objection (2) the different conceptions of different religions could refer to the same God.
e. What is the meaning of Pascal's sentence, "The heart has its reasons which reason does not know?"
i. Human beings live not by reason alone. Without heart, feeling, emotion, life would lose its

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