Yoga Techniques for Rotator Cuff Pain Relief

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One of the functions of the rotator cuff muscles and the long head of the biceps, is to pull the head of the humerus down from the acromion process, to prevent impingement. Strengthening the subscapularis, infraspinatus and teres minor can help with this function. Dr. Fishman discovered a technique when doing yoga and experienced relief of his own rotator cuff pain. The technique is based on a headstand in yoga and is called the Triangular Forearm Support. Dr. James Mally speculates that the technique trains the subscapularis to take over for the injured supraspinatus. He has wondered if the main effect of the technique has been the result of the humerus pressing in an inferior direction in the joint capsule. He believes that this creates more room in the subacromial space, thereby relieving any impingement symptoms (click this link to see a video of Norman Popovskys ' simple yoga move). Norman Popovsky from the blog "Successful Living Yoga with Norman Popovsky" demonstrates a simple yoga move that helps to strengthen the subscapularis, infraspinatus and teres minor. His blog also provides an image of Dr. Fishmans ' simple wall exercise that when performed for 30 seconds two to three times a day can help improve range of motion and reduce pain within the rotator cuff. They may decide to see a Reflexologist, Swedish practitioner, Medical massage practitioner, Hawaiian practitioner, Ayurvedic Massage practitioner or Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner. These individuals may choose to see their desired therapist in a day spa, destination spa, salon, medical clinic, or massage clinic. These professional businesses may be located anywhere around the world. The one thing that they all have in common is an intimate knowledge that touch heals and releases tensions in the body. For those looking for stress reducing home care we offer the following Stress Reduction

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