Analysis Of Martin Espanada's Coca-Cola And Coco Frios

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In “Coca-Cola and Coco Frios”, a poem written by Martin Espanada, the author immediately introduces the theme of always being in touch with one’s culture, despite the circumstances of Puerto Rico adapting to the U.S.’s culture. Throughout the poem, the speaker exclaims how he’s tired of the having to taste of Coca-Cola while in his parents’ home country. It teaches how one should appreciate where they came from, knowing that there are situations where one cannot the full experience. In “Coca-Cola and Coco Frios”, the speaker expresses to the reader how drinking Coca-Cola in Puerto Rico felt the same as being in Brooklyn, inferring that Puerto Rico was trying to be recognized just like the United States. Up until he tries coco frio, a coconut

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