Analysis Of Magic Beyond Words By Joanne Rowling

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Have you thought about having a career that could turn you into having a normal life for example like “rags”, then one day into being one of the richest people in the world? No other person knows better for that change of a life than a woman by the name of Joanne Rowling. The documentary tells her story about how she came up with the story of a “children’s” storybook named Harry Potter which turned out into a sensation seven series and more. In the beginning of writing the stories she never thought that anyone would love to read it, and kept the rough drafts secretly hidden in a box, until her sister read it and told her to finish the stories and that she was a very great and talented writer. Being a woman or man does not matter on the practicality of a type of job in the world. This documentary, Magic Beyond Words shows that fact. A …show more content…

“What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” her sister, Di, would ask her. Joanne finally decided to show her the “box” of rough drafts of the series that she never let anyone read or in that case see them. Di, after reading the rough draft, was surprised at the fact that her sister Joanne would never let anyone read the magnificent story of the famous Harry Potter. Joanne knowing that there could be a future with the series decided to search for an agent to publish her story. During the time that she would looking for an agent she was teacher and finally found out there was a company who wanted to work with her. The agent believed her story was a children’s genre and there was not a huge income area with children’s stories, and told Rowling to not get her hopes up for getting another company fast enough on her side due to the fact it was children’s

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