Analysis Of Love Is Not All

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In the poem Love is Not All the quote “meat nor drink” (Millay, 2004). Means to me that a person can’t live on love alone. A person has to have food and water for the body to survive and love can’t do that. Let’s examine another quote “slumber nor a roof against the rain” (Millay, 2004). these two observations recognized that love will not substitute the need to sleep and love can’t keep you safe from the rain. Another important line “Not a floating spar to men that sink/and rise and sink and rise and sink, and sink again” (Millay, 2004). Which symbolizes a drowning man that goes under water and rises above a couple times. The third time the man sinks in a defeating war and in the end sinks forever into the gulf of death (Millay, 2004). Millay figuratively portraying that in life people struggle and they also have highs. Love won’t stop misery and it won’t stop someone from eventually dying.

The lines “love can’t function like the vital organs such as kidneys, liver or lungs. Love cannot “fill the thickened lung with breath” or “clean the blood” (Millay, 2004). People are not ...

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