Analysis Of Looking For Work By Gary Soto

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When I initially read ‘Looking for Work’ by Gary Soto, It was difficult for me to find the purpose of this narrative, other than to reflect upon a day in the life of a poor Mexican-American child. I did enjoy the vivid imagery and upbeat humorous tone of the piece and felt it added to the overall effect of the essay. With further reflection and in class discussion the purpose developed into asking the reader to reflect on their childhoods, with this new purpose in mind I was able to gain more from the essay. By comparing Soto’s experiences to my own, I was forced to ask myself if I had experienced this same level of longing for a change in socioeconomic class. Soto makes frequent references to white people as a group that he aspires to assimilate with, he …show more content…

Soto’s answer to this is to work hard to change his financial status so that he can find fulfillment by attaining the same economic status. I can relate to this because when I was the age Soto is reflecting upon I too set out to gain money from my neighbors, my motives where similar I wanted to make money so I could fit into the groups who seemed to have it all. After reading the text again and working with my partner I came to the realization that Soto’s tone throughout the piece isn’t meant to mask the underlying ideas of race and poverty but to present it in a way that a larger audience can relate to, many people would simply not read an essay that begins with a somber explanation of the insect pests that invade the home of cultural minority each day. When Soto’s expressed motivation to become wealthy is compared to his actions of paying for his friend and sister to go to the pool with him, I question if becoming wealthy is his true wish. It seems to me that his true goal is the happiness and well being of his

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