Analysis Of Jerzy Grotowski And Anne Bogart

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Name: Refilwe Moyo
Student Number: MYXREF001

Directing Styles: A practical, theatrical approach comparison between Jerzy Grotowski and Anne Bogart, and how influential Jerzy Grotowski’s directing style was in Anne Bogart’s approach to theatre and poor theatre conventions.
The question that clouds my thoughts and direction of my research proposal and question, is the level of influence Grotowski had on the directing style of Anne Bogart. Anne Bogart is known for her ‘experimental’ theatre pieces, that are incredibly collaborative between the director and the actors making the ‘experimental’ process an inclusive one for everyone partaking in the process. Bogart’s directing style is known to have simultaneously
First being the ‘spatial relationship’, this is looking at the relationship between the space and actors, looking and feeling the distance between the two. It is about becoming aware of and also, breaking molds between people, and being up-close and personal with each other, being aware of the space and thereafter, lack of space between the two entities. Secondly, ‘shape’, this viewpoint is about creating the shape between the actors and the audience and molding the relationship between them. With this created shape, what can one do with it, how does it benefit, is it expansive to the experience of the creation of the performance piece? What does shaping mean for the performance. Thirdly, ‘Architecture’, this viewpoint is about connecting and grasping the physical space around you, and how does that influence the process. As an actor, being able to connect with the physical space and make the relationship better than before. Fourthly, ‘Kinesthetic response’, this viewpoint speaks on the events that happen within the space in a specific moment in time, it is about navigating with and through time. It is about understanding the energy that moves and sifts through the space, and as the actor, being about to feel and move with the kinetic energy. Fifthly, ‘repetition’, is the viewpoint about getting into rhythm of things as an individual or as an ensemble work. Sixthly,
This will be my second, main point of reference because it provides useful tools that can be used to easily compare the different styles and techniques of the two directors. This book provides writings from various writers who have studied and analysed how Grotowski does his specific practice and how that has influenced today’s theatrical nature, and their approach to physical theatre. Specifically, I will be focusing on the physical theatre, and the art behind ‘holy actors’, what does it mean for actors to completely strip away from themselves, and become as bare as possible to connect with their authentic selves in order to real deliver the raw nature and talent of pure acting. Eliminating anything that is not from the body, and being entirely dependent on the body and using each writer’s point of view as guidelines and influences to my research

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