Analysis Of Jennifer Teege's I Have To Love My Father, Don T I

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Recently, a 38 year old woman named, Jennifer Teege, discovered that her grandfather was Amon Goeth, the sadistic Nazi who was commandant of the Plaszow concentration camp in Poland and the person who killed more than 8,000 Jews. When Teege was going through depression, she tried doing psychological research at a library, which coincidently, was where she found her biological mother’s book called, "I Have to Love My Father, Don't I?". After realizing this discovery, she could not phantom the fact that she was related to this “monster”. Sometimes, she questions if whether or not she has any traits of him, but learned to accept her history and that they are both two very different people. Throughout Teege’s years, she was born to a Nigerian father who was a student which her mother had an affair with. Since her mother had a lot of work to do, she took Teege to Salberg House, a Catholic home for infants in suburban Munich. She was taken care of for about 3 years, but was adopted and was not able to see her mother until age 21. Now, Teege still sets out to discover more about her family’s history and even wrote books about it as well. In addition, she hopes to find her true identity and expresses that life should not be lived in the past. …show more content…

The hatred and wars of one another’s has brought death upon millions of Jews and billions of souls. Knowing that you’re related to a merciless individual isn’t easy to accept. However, although Teege was shocked and saddened by this discovery, she used this motivation to find out her true past. Needless to say, from all things she learned, she now had a better understanding of her family and acquired great valuable lessons. Consequently, she explains how her future opened up as well. She used her stories to write books that inspired many. Sometimes, it isn’t what others make of you, but what you make of

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