Analysis Of Forrest Forrest

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Movie begins with Forrest (played by Tom Hanks) on a park bench that we later find out he is there because he got a letter from Jenny (played by Robin Wright) to come visit her. One of the first things Forrest says is the famous quote from his mother (played by Sally Field) is “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” Forrest is made to wear leg braces because his back is really crocked and the braces are supposed to straighten his back. With an IQ of 75 he is just 5 points short of getting into a public school so his mama has to pull some strings to get him into a public school. The house Forrest and his mama lived in was big and had been in the family for a long time and since it was just him and his mama his mama rented out the rooms to passer byers and travelers. And towards the beginning of the movie one of the guests in the house was young Elvis Presley played by Peter Dobson but at the time we don’t know that and Forrest shows him some dancing moves he does. On Forrest's first day of school on the bus he meets jenny for the first time and they become great friends. Forrest says that when he first met jenny “he had never seen anything so beautiful in his life she was like an angle.” In one seen Forrest is trying to run from the school bullies and jenny is saying another famous quote “run Forrest run” and when Forrest is running his leg braces suddenly fall from his legs and it turns out that he can run like the wind blows. And from that day on if Forrest ever needed to go somewhere he was running. One day while Forrest is in high schools the bullies show up again and Forrest has to run from them but the chase after him in a truck and runs right through a football practice faster than...

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...legs where blown off in Vietnam. Together Forrest and Lt. Dan found Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Lt. Dan then invests him and Forrest in Apple Computers.
Ms. Gump is Forrest’s mother and is always so kind to people and always was able to explain thing in a way even Forrest with his low IQ could understand.
Bubba is Forrest’s friend from the moment they meet on the bus to basic training for the army. Bubba and Forrest make plans to become shrimping partners after the war is over unfortunately Bubba dies before the war is over, but Forrest keeps his promise to Bubba and after the war he gets a shrimping boat and starts a shrimping business which becomes a huge success.
In my opinion forrest gump was a great movie with an excellent storyline the movie was made even better by the fact that the actors seemed to have really gotten into their role of their character.

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