Analysis Of Embodiment Of The Santeria Practice

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An Analysis of Embodiment of the Santeria Practice
Mason, in the article, emphasize on the embodiment and fluctuations of what the central character Jose a Santeria also known as Regla de Ocha, was expose too when trying to balance the perception of how people viewed him in society by negotiating his religious practices. When looking more into Olmos and Paravisini-Gebert’s view, they elaborate more on the embodiment of the enslaved West Africans migrating to Cuba during the slave trade; taking them from their mainland of existence to a new place where they need to adjust to a new lifestyle and religion. Also, they have to negotiate their identity and religious practice to be then able to intertwine their original religious practice Santeria …show more content…

The embodiments of the Regla de Ocha, Santerian religion, is rooted in West African previous religious practice of their deities. Africans were forced to move to a new place, where to expose to a new language and new religious faith. They were able to have some ideas of how to continue to serve and maintain their religious practice. “Thus, the deities of the Cuban Creole world resulted from the “crossing” and mixing with those of others region of African and the Catholic saints; individuals choose or are chosen to receive initiation into one or several traditions” (Olmos and Paravisini-Gebert 33). Through being forced to adapt to the Cuban Catholics ways, they were able to interlink their religious practice within the Catholics ways of worshiping different saints. Meanwhile, they were then able to be accepted in society while maintaining their natural belief. The adoption of the transculturation allows the African to balance both their religious practice and …show more content…

These illustrate the embodiment of the challenges one has to encounter when associated with the practice of Santeria. Santerians lack the freedom of complete self-expression, and they have to deal with the secrecy of their rituals, values, and beliefs to be acknowledged in colonial society. Their real identity is suffering and can only be grasped by those who share similar religious values. This lack of complete self-expression touches my heart because I am proud to express my values, my belief without restrictions. It is indeed disturbing to see Santerians have to embody this types of challenges in their lives. One should be proud and feel free to express their belief without restrictions. The book and the article indicate, that even though they face challenges as practitioners of Santeria they are devoted and are willing to balance their life while separating their social life and their religious

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