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Conclusions on social media and mental health
Impacts of social media
Impacts of social media
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Recommended: Conclusions on social media and mental health
Consumed Social media has grown to become a norm in society today. Everyone from young children to elderly persons is using some form of social media. The short essays, “Douse the Online Flames” by Andrew Keen. “Virtual Companionship” by Jeremy Rifkin. “Why Twitter Will Endure” by David Carr. “What Adolescents Miss When We Let Them Grow Up in Cyberspace” by Brent Staples. Last, “Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism” by Christine Rosen. These essays are arguing the negative effects that social media has on people. Social media can be great ways to meet new people from all walks of the Earth. It does have a negative aspect of many people, especially teenagers. Social media decreases one of the most vital developments of human …show more content…
Just about everyone uses social media. Particularly to keep in touch with family and friends, or to post on discussion boards. Tragedies occur daily from the use of social media. The fact some people use it to bully others online which is cyber-bullying. Not a lot of persons are aware of the dangers that can occur from the use of social media. Andrew Keen, the author of “Douse the Online Flames”. Expressed his views on the negative aspects of social media and why people should be careful. He discussed the popular notorious case about cyber-bullying. This case led many schools to discuss the severity of cyber-bullying. Megan Meier, a 13-year-old girl from a suburb of St. Louis, committed suicide in 2006. Meir had an internet friendship with a boy named “Josh. He turned out to be her 47-year-old neighbor Lori Drew. Drew posed as this boy told her that “the world would be a better place without you”. Leading to Megan committing suicide. …show more content…
Status-seekers are on just about every single social media site. Persons who seek satisfaction from other people portray a different personality. A person, who they actually are not like in person. Friendship on social media has a totally different meaning than a “real-life” friends. These friends are not the same as people saw in the flesh. The people on social media who friend and/or follow one is not a real-life friend. She suggests that people get a grasp on the fact that internet friends are not the same as real life friendships. One can fathom her argument. The majority of followers one has social media will never meet them in real life to interact. Indeed, they do not know the true personality of a person. I have a twitter and Instagram account. I have seen people follow me with over 12 thousand followers, I never follow back. They are following back less than 100 people. People who partake in this behavior, find it essential in life to have thousands of followers. They want these followers to feel important. It is the hype of having thousands of followers, little do many know they are status-seekers. Many of these people are vigilant of their profiles. Finding different means of earning more followers. “They are ultimate social currency, public declarations of the intimacy status of a relationship. . . . Every profile is a carefully planned media campaign” (Rosen, 407). She is saying that the social media
Appealing to her audience through qualified sources and research, Rosen does an excellent job illuminating the shadows of social networking, showing how social networking websites will not only change the way people interact with one another, but that continued overuse of these sites may be hazardous to meaningful social interactions. The perils of social media is best exemplified in Rosen’s commentary on “virtual friendships” and the progressively narcissistic personality being encourage by networking sites.
Cyberbullying is no exception to this statistic. The two writers also stated that “There have been several high-profile cases involving teenagers taking their own lives in part because of being harassed and mistreated over the Internet (Apollo, 2007; Halligan, 2006; Jones, 2008), a phenomenon recently termed cyberbullicide—suicide indirectly or directly influenced by experiences with online aggression,” (Hinduja and Patchin, 2007). These cases are not a constant issue in every school, but they have happened frequently enough to raise attention to faculty and parents. With adolescents being at such a sensitive age, it is important to remind them that the actions they take can have serious consequences, including
Cyberbullying has a big challenge when compared to traditional bullying. Because cyberbullying is an indirect none verbal form of bullying, adolescent are more exposed to repeated harassment through hate messages and much more. For so, they increase the rate of suicide by adding feelings of isolations, hopelessness… Social media also contains websites in which those victims rely on, which take advantage of the victim’s vulnerability to provide detailed information on how to commit suicide in order to kill off their
When someone “friends you” on Facebook, it doesn’t automatically mean that you have some special relationship with that person. In reality it really doesn’t mean that you now have the intimacy and familiarity that you have with some offline friends. And research shows that people don’t commonly accept friend requests from or send them to people they don’t really know, favoring instead to have met a person at least once (Jones). A key part of interpersonal communication is impression management, and some methods of new media allow people more tools for presenting themselves than others. SNSs in many ways are podiums for self-presentation. Even more than blogs, web pages, and smartphones, the atmosphere on a SNS like Facebook and Twitter enables self-disclosure in a focused way and permits others who have access to ones profile to see their other friends. This merging of different groups of people that include close friends, family, acquaintances, and friends of friends, colleagues, and strangers can present issues for self-presentation. Once people have personal, professional, and academic contacts in their Facebook network the growing diversity of social media networks creates new challenges as people try to engage in impression management
Social media has changed the way people communicate with each other and in turn, has affected our ability to empathize in both negative and positive ways. One of the most harmful consequences is the rise of cyber-bullying. Another negative issue has been the trend of trolling in comments sections of websites, chat rooms, and other online venues of communication. In spite of this, there have been constructive consequences due to social media such as the ability for family and friends to keep in touch on a regular basis. Because of social media, many people are finding support and resources to help them when they fall on hard times or experience tragedies like death and illness. Overall, social media is an exciting new world that changes as it grows and it will be up to society to utilize it for good.
Since Teen suicide is the second leading cause of teenage death in the United States, there is a need for legislation that promotes awareness and education about Cyber-Bullying. Due to the growth of technology in the American society, the younger generations of adolescents are adapting to the excessive use of computers, cell phones, and social-networking sites. According to a study done by Amanda Lenhart, 87% of adolescents who are between the ages of 12 and 17 are using the internet on a daily basis (Trolley, Shields, and Hanel, “Demystifying and Deescalating Cyber Bullying in the Schools”).With these numbers increasing across the nation, the numbers of adolescents being harassed through technology means is growing as well. The relationship between cyber bullying and teenage suicide has been named “cyber bullycide”. Studies show that 1/3 of teenagers who have used the internet have stated that they have received threatening or offensive messages either through text, e-mail, IM, and other technology related programs. In 2007 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially labeled “electronic aggression” being cyber bullying as an “emerging public health problem” (Billitteri 387).
Social media is so popular that according to a recent article published by forbes.com, “72% of American adults are currently using social media sites; that figure has gone up 800% in just 8 years”(Olenski). Social networking was originally created to simply reconnect people with old high school pals, but in recent years it has evolved into a completely different operation. When social media first originated it was also intended for adult usage, which has in recent years expanded into the usage of all ages. Social media can create a negative affect on lives because it has been proven to be a dangerous addiction, for it takes away interpersonal relationships that are essential in life, and it has been proven to prevent people from being productive in life.
Like with all evolution of technology internet comes with its glitches. With this new form of social interaction comes a weakening of interpersonal connections. Professor Steven Strogatz from Cornell University states, “Social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weaken.” This false sense of reality has lead to many issues among avid users. Even with is internet’s positive influences the negative effects of everyday usage out way the good. The internet and social networking if abused can be dangerous even deadly.
This sort of phenomenon makes major headlines regularly in recent times and effects a clear majority of today’s youth. State and local lawmakers have taken steps to prevent this type of bullying by making illegal under several criminal law codes. Michele Hamm, a researcher in pediatrics explained, “There were consistent associations between exposure to cyberbullying and increased likelihood of depression.” Cyberbullying became widespread among students with the rapid growth in use of cellular devices and the Internet. With this kind of technology bullies have the ability to send harmful messages to their recipients at any given time. This type of bullying is the hardest to control because it involves students but often happens off school grounds. However, because the evidence is material, students and parents could bring this evidence to the school and local police departments if a situation were to happen. Parents should be mindful of their child’s use of the internet and electronic messaging, cyberbullying usually takes place in a medium in which adults are seldom present (Mason, 2008). Also, instead of sending direct messages to other students, bullies use platforms such as social media and anonymous blogs to post harmful things for others to see. Educators must understand the significance of social media use to their students, especially
The cons of social media can be very risky, especially when the youth of this society is partaking in it. Children and adolescents are now known for inappropriate content on social media sites or just simply not understanding the concepts of privacy. A nationwide issue that has been addressed is the action of cyberbullying. This action often leads to harmful circumstances such as suicide attempts, with some being successful. In just one state in the U.S., 1,491 high school students that were the “cyber bullies” were related to suicide attempts and about 4,693 students were rel...
Due to Technology today, Cyber bullying has gotten to be a standout amongst the most troublesome issues in our society. Cyber bullying happens at schools, on social media, and through cell phones. Individuals think bullying is cool to do to make them feel good inside. Bullies feel like they need to have power so people can respect them. More than 80% of teenagers utilize a phone most of their time, making it the most mainstream sort of technology and a typical medium for cyber bullying (Laird, 2014). Individuals who had been bullied will being to feel isolated,weak, disliked, sad or even go into a depression. All of this will lead into suicide, which had happened before like Ryan Halligan. Ryan had a speech disorder growing up in school. He only had one friend who he trusted very well with his secret. Ryan shared his humiliating story about his disorder to his friend which was a girl. She turned out to be a bully after all and used his story for a rumor to create. The bully begin gossiping to others that Ryan was gay. Ryan thought that he had made a fellowship with a young lady through AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Eventually, he discovered that the young lady and her friends thought it was entertaining to make Ryan think the young lady enjoyed him and use it to have him share more humiliating stories. Their message were duplicated and sent into AIM trades with her friends where everyone could see it. Later
The correlation between the development of youth and social media has become blatant. Although few of the consequences are favorable, the majority have displayed a negative impact. The drive social media can implement on youth is exceptional. The pressure and strain social media can place on our youth is an enduring force which leads individuals to question themselves as a person and feel inclined to fit a norm expressed in media and social media of our society. The underlying force social media can play in the lives of the youth is astonishing and is a force that must be dealt with and controlled, for it not only holds the power to give an individual strength, but also to break them down.
Social networking is doing more harm than good in society, if traditional and personal interactions continue to be replaced with conversations through online networking sites, it won’t be long before they are perceived as the ‘norm’. Traditional methods of interaction will continue to be at risk if the effects of social media are not realised. Social networking sites were created as a means of making it easier for individuals to communicate in a timely and efficient manner, they were not created to take over face-to-face communications altogether. The constant use of online networking is doing more harm than good not only individually, similarly through the community
In the twenty -first century, teenagers live in a life of social networking and life’s online. It’s hard to believe how much the world has changed over the decades, especially in technology. Technology helps people to contact relatives and friends from long distance more easily and conveniently. People can now talk to each other from everywhere in the world simply through chat and video calls. By time, internet connections have spread throughout households and social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram has increased gradually. However, the internet and several modern technologies have wasted many times and has hurt the society. Social media plays such a big role in people’s lives that some people couldn’t even imagine
We live in a world that has become addicted and dedicated toward social media and it is driving America’s youth into the ground. Teenagers and adults are so wrapped up in social media that is runs their lives every day. Constantly people are checking their phones for the latest on social networks. They have to see pictures, tweets, statuses, comments, likes, and the list goes on and on. Social media is becoming the focus point in the modern American society that it is beginning to control people’s social skills, communication skills, and their livelihood.