Analysis Of Dionysos

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1 & 2. Marble statue of Dionysos leaning on a female figure
3 & 4. 27 B.C – A.D 68 by unknown artist, but restored by Pacetti Vincenzo
5. March 1796 found at Aldobrandini Palace, Rome Dionysos, also known as Dionysus, is an Olympian god of many things such as festivity, pleasure, wine, and vegetation. Dionysos is the god of wilderness and one of his attributes are large cats, helping me recognize the statue of him wearing clothes made of animal skin. According to Metropolitan Museum, it stated that, Dionysos wore panther skin over his skirt like clothes and animal head shaped like a huge cat on his high sandals that look like boots” (MET). Also, despite being a male figure, Dionysos has a petite face and is often attractive or even beautiful because he represents youth. Looking at the statue, another attribute that I recognized was that his face looked pretty and had long hair, making him look very young and feminine while having a masculine body. A myth that can relate to two of his attributes is when Dionysos is captured by pirates. He was seized when he was the main attraction at the beach due to his beauty. While he got tied up in a rope, Dionysos …show more content…

Thetis gave birth to a son named Achilles, and in the sculpture, he is sitting on her lap. On the site, it states that, “Achilles was the hero that participated in the Trojan War who commanded 50 ships each holding 50 Myrmidons” (DevainArt). Before Achilles was born, according to a prophet, Thetis’s was to bore a son who was to be greater and overthrow his father. Therefore, after Prometheus warns the gods of the prophecy, Zeus and Poseidon who used to rival over Thetis withdrew from their desires. After finding out about this, the gods made Thetis marry a mortal man named

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