Analysis Of Descartes Existence Of God

805 Words2 Pages

PID : 720528846
PHIL 101
Existence of God

Descartes often referred to as the “Father of Modern Philosophy” acquired his status by methods of reasoning to attain knowledge through one of his most influential philosophical writings Meditations on First Philosophy. One of the most pronounced and skeptical pieces from the mediations is Meditation III: “Of God: that He exist” where he tries to prove the existence of God, and his existence through God. I will be examining Descartes’ proof through its premises and conclusion as well as explain my reasoning for agreeing with the argument on the existence of God. Descartes’ first premise of the existence of God is “ I have an idea of God” which first means that he has an idea of an infinite perfect being. With this he realizes that the idea of God must have more objective reality than formal reality. As he thinks that God is infinite, than he knows he is finite, and through this he realizes that the idea of God being this way could not of been provoked through his mind but through God himself. And as concluded in Meditation II, Descartes now knows he exists through …show more content…

Because Descartes has an idea of what God is and represents, being infinite and perfect, than there must be some sort of truth to this, Therefore making causing it to have some form of formal reality as well. Much of these thoughts come from Meditation II, when Descartes realizes that he is a thing that doubts, wills, affirms, imagines and so on. With his, he confirms his faith in his belief in

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