Analysis Of Central Heat By Robert Heilman

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In the section of Over Story: Zero, titled “Central Heat”, author Robert Heilman utilizes a soothing yet serene tone to convey the importance of home. Heilman’s eloquent language expresses that no matter the amount of strained or easily walked miles one may travel, no matter how many years of grief, joy, or pain pass by, or however the founding ideals of peace and family may change in the constant and chaotic pace of the growing new world, mankind will always be drawn to the warm and welcoming hearth of home. Heilman begins his subtle declaration by discussing how lucky the people of the Umpqua truly are that they are present within this new century of changing ideals and faster pace of life, and yet this people still understand the stories …show more content…

He describes how, “From the first morning cup of coffee to the final light-switch out at night, we keep checking on the wood-burning stove (Heilman 191).” It’s a task not simply done by one person, but as a group striving to maintain that warm of a welcoming central heat. That source brings everyone together from the harsh, unwelcoming cold of the outdoors, back into the comforts of home. “As we go about our busy day we keep returning to the same spot, over and over again like comets returning to the sun after traveling the long cold void of space (Heilman 192).” When mankind is forced away from the heat of the home they have always known, and thrust into the harsh world of the unknown he is bound to long for home. Heilman may even say that no matter how far off course one may stray, mankind has always been destined to return home. The human race longs for the welcoming embrace that only a burning central heat can provide to fill the haunting and empty void of space. There is a comfort found in sitting around a loudly cackling flame, the familiar smell of smoke, and the company of a family to share the warmth of fire with, and it is this comfort that mankind craves but a concept that they grow farther from with the passing of

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