Analysis Of Black Beauty

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Black Beauty Summary Black Beauty is a story told from the perspective of a horse, of which the title is named after. The story chronicles his life, from birth to adulthood, and how he encounters different owners and faces challenges and hardships along the way. Black Beauty, also called “Darkie” in the novel, narrates the story of his life in first person. He is a handsome black horse and always tries to be kind and serve to the best of his abilities. The first chapters see Darkie looking back on his life as a colt in an English farm. These memories were happy ones, Darkie had pleasant times in the fields and was looked after by his loving mother, Duchess. The setting is idyllic, a clear pond with lilies, a field full of grass and surrounded …show more content…

However, when Jerry falls ill and retires from cabbing, Darkie is once again sold – this time again to a bad owner. During this time, he meets his friend from Squire Gordon´s estate, Ginger. Ginger has similarly been passed through a series of bad and neglectful owner, she tells Darkie of how she wishes she was dead. She no longer defends herself, and has been worked so hard she looks like a shadow of her former self. Not long after, Darkie sees Ginger´s dead body being towed away of the back of a cart. At this time, Darkie is also set to follow the same tragic fate as Ginger, he is seriously ill and working to the point of exhaustion. Under so much strain, there is a point that he physically cannot work any longer. Thankfully, at this point, a veterinarian sees Darkie, shocked and moved by his poor state of health, decides to care and rehabilitate him. Eventually, after reaching an improved state of health, Darkie is recognized by a wealthy family as the handsome horse that was so beloved at Squire Gordon´s, and is adopted by them and allowed to live out his life happily, retired and at

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