Analysis Of Barbara Ehrenreich's Nickel-And-Dimed

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Barbara Ehrenreich is a brave and amazing author. Nickel-and-Dimed is informative, entertaining, and influential. I enjoyed reading about a white woman trying to endow a life that is all I know. Barbara's experiment exposed sexism, classism, and racism in the American workplace amongst other reasons why working for someone else is dreadful.

Nickel-and-Dimed is unembellishing. An example of Ehrenreich's grit is when she says, "I am conducted to a large room decorated with posters illustrating how to look 'professional' (it helps to be white and, if female, permed)..." I laughed at the blunt honesty. Every dress code poster I have been shown has a white man and a white woman, with straight hair, as the model. Another way she expresses her talent

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