Analysis Of August 2002 A Night Meeting

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“August 2002: a night meeting” is a story by Ray Bradbury The story begins by a character named Thomas stopping on the way to a party for gas. He talks to an attendant about living on mars and discusses how living on mars is terrible. He stops again at a martian town that is deserted. At this point a martian ship approaches and its driver Muhe Ca gets out. He states that he is on his way to a festival in a martian city. Muhe Ca is able to talk to the Tomas through telepathic communications, which makes the communication more easy. Tomas offers the martian a drink, but finds that he cannot touch each other or even anything belonging to each other. They are both convinced that the other is a ghost. Muhe Ca does not know of humans landing on mars and is sure that his way of life and people are still alive. They stop arguing and realize that life is worth too much to enjoy to argue. They part ways and resume there respective journeys. The characters are interesting because we see two people that seem to live in parallel universes separate from each other but very close in some aspects...

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